
Air Purifiers – A breath of fresh air

Air purifiers are devices employed in homes and business all over the world. Due to the amount of dust etc indoors, air purifiers are used to clean and ‘purify’ the air inside the building, circulating it until it is free from unnecessary particles.
Air Purifier
Source: Winix | Wayfair.ca

An air purifier usually takes the form of a mechanical wall unit, but can be stood on the floor and vary in size, some squat box shapes and some slender towers. Prices vary in a wide range but there are many websites devoted to their sale, as well as a large variety of manufacturer. They use a variety of methods to remove contaminants from the air. 

Some use electricity to suck particles out of the air, while some use absorbent materials. All air purifiers must be cleaned regularly to keep them working properly, as most manufacturers boast at least 95% filtration of known impure air particles.

The industry benchmark is called the HEPA standard, a system that filtrates 99.97% of particles with a size of 0.3 micrometers (Department of Energy). The original HEPA filter was used in the Manhattan Project to stop airborne radioactive particles. 

Certain purifiers use UV light that is fatal to some germs. Some purifier manufacturers have come into controversy over units that generate ions in order to react with the contaminants in the air, as some machines produce the harmful pollutant Ozone.

Airborne particles such as dust, pollen and spores build up inside rooms. Many people use air purifiers to reduce the quantity and density of these specks of matter in order to provide a safer, less cloying atmosphere. 

This is very much the case for sufferers of asthma and allergy sufferers, to whom these particles can be dangerous allergens or hazards. Other uses are to prevent more direct threats, such as gases and even second hand smoke.

Air Purifiers and Filters Guide

Have you ever wondered what is floating through the air in your home? Just because you can't see something doesn't mea n it isn't there. Millions of particles, pollutants, gases, bacteria, and allergens are roaming your house with no way to get out making the air inside your home up to 100 times dirtier than outside air. 

Sure, opening a window to let in fresh air may get that stale smell out, but it is only an open door to invite more particles inside your home.

This contaminated air circulates through your home and either settles on flat surfaces in the form of dust or is breathed in by you and your family.

Fortunately, your house does not have to fall victim to these airborne pests. Air purifiers are more common and affordable today than ever before. If you do not have an air purifier, knowing the different types of air filtration devices will help you before you buy your own. 

  1. HEPA filters: Short for "High Efficiency Particulate Air filters", these devices use a cloth-like filter which can trap more than 99.97% of particles in your house.  The filter lasts a couple of years depending on the condition of the air and can actually trap more pollutants than other filters. The downside is the HEPA filter is noisier than its competitors and does not eliminate gases or odors
  2. Ionic Filters: Ionic filters purify the air by sending our ions which oppositely charge the particles so they stick together and collect on magnetic plates inside the filter (much like how your hair sticks to a balloon after it has been rubbed on your head). These devices are often a favorite among customers because of how silent they are. They are even effective enough to clean viruses, gases, allergens and bacteria out of your household air.
  3. Carbon air filters: These devices are, by far, the most effective odor removers on the market. They work though a system of highly absorbent pores which trap molecules by forming a strong chemical bond. They don't, however, trap any airborne allergens or germs. 
  4. Ultra-Violet Light filter: Ultra violet light haven been proven to sterilize micro-organisms if they are exposed to the right amount of light for a certain length of time. Alone, there is some doubt to the effectiveness of these filters because micro-organisms may not be exposed to the light long enough while they are passing though the air. In order for ultra violet work to be successful, HEPA is used to capture the air long enough to be sterilized by the light. While ultra violet kills microorganisms, HEPA can rid your house of allergens.
  5. Hydroxyl Radical filter: Hydroxyl radicals occur naturally in the earth's atmosphere and are powerful cleansing agents. They are, in fact the most powerful method of sanitizing mold and other harmful bacteria. 
These five types of filters are the most popular and dependable on the market. Now that you have a firm understanding of how these filters work and what exactly they clean out of household air, do your homework. There are many great filter providers online which can lead you to the best filter for your budget.

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