
Recycling Kid's Toys

Find toys that will last for a long time and can either be passed down through the generations or re-sold for a little pocket money.  

Keep in mind that when it comes to children and toys, more is not better, and making informed purchases based on the child and the quality of how the toys are made, are in the hands of adults.  

Most toys and games come with an age range printed on the packaging and it is important to not buy gifts that a child will not be capable of playing with for a few years.  

The International Environment has gives attention to the Recycle product. Recycling has been around longer than any of today's young teens have been alive and maybe that's why recycling has never been a question for them as to whether or not they should recycle but has always been more of a "How else can we help when recycling," kind of thought process.   

My own generation, having grown up in the 70's has a different mind-set.  In fact, I have to remind myself the reasons we recycle, when to recycle and how to keep my family and household up-to-date and aware of the reasons to recycle.
Recycling Kid's Toys
Recycling Kid's Toys

This new, younger generation, is an impressive one, to me.  They seem to be aware of humanity on a global level.  Lessons they've been taught in school on a consistent basis have always had a common theme; take care of the Earth or we may lose it.  They are keenly aware of how wasteful prior generations have been and seem to be of one mind when it comes to solving those problems.

When we recycle we are taking a step away from ourselves and begin to think about the Earth as a whole.  It has become obvious to us that by recycling our waste we are going to be leaving less waste for future generations to have to deal with and we are taking an active step in keeping the planet 'around' for a longer period of time.

Today's teens have inspired me by their dedication to helping others who have less than they do and how wasting any commodity or resource we may have, the idea of wasting it is simply not an option.  They are forever coming up with new ways to reduce production of an item or they are constantly thinking up ways in which the item can be reused; they do this without needing to "think" about it, it's the only way of life they've known.

There is an organization that has taken something many of us take for granted and figured out a way to pass on to those who are unable - to feel a little normal.  Locks of Love takes hair donated by people and has that hair made into wigs for people who have had their hair fall out due to chemotherapy treatments or as the result of another disease or condition.  How brilliant to think of those of us who grow our hair without thought or effort, to be able to have the privellige of helping another!  It's beautiful to me, how this new generation is always thinking about how they can help others.
There are two teens that I know of who took this idea of growing their hair in order to donate it, and dedicated this past summer to doing just that; and the week before school opened in September, sat together and had their hair cuts.  

What is remarkable about these two teens is that only one is a girl, the other, a young man knew there was a need for other boys his age to have wigs made for them and took on the challenge valiantly.   Boys don't have to have their hair quite as long in order to donate it, but it does have to be grown-out.  

My awe at teens like these two from town, who at such a volatile age, where self-image is so very fragile, would step out of their comfort zones of following the crowd, in order to do grow their hair long enough for it to be recycled and reused by others, is overwhelming.  

By stepping out of those comfort zones they leave themselves in a vulnerable situation, where they can become the targets for some of the ridicule that goes on in Middle school; and yet they still do it.

Maybe they are less likely to go against the idea of recycling because of the timing of their birthdates; it's just refreshing to know that the idea of recycling is strong in this up coming generation and if we continue to foster that innate responsibility in them, we may just keep this planet around a little longer.

Recycling And Kids' Toys

One of the biggest mistakes parents make, especially in the time when their family is young, is to over spend and buy more toys than children can possibly play with before just feeling overwhelmed.  When children are in a play room, overflowing with toys, they often will retreat, feeling there are too many to choose from, and will not play with any of them.  

It is important to purchase toys that will last for a long time, too.  Fewer well made toys will be a much greater gift than more toys that are made without lasting quality.

Children, who are already feeling that they don't have any control over their environment, will just become more frustrated when a toy breaks in their hands because it is poorly made.  Always keep in mind the age and physical development of the child when buying a toy.  

There is nothing worse than a child picking up a toy that is out of their age-range and they end up breaking it because they're not developed enough to regulate their hand strength.  Children are not capable of making the right choices for their own age group, so it is up to the adults to do that for them.  

When buying gifts and toys for holidays and celebrations, remember to take a deep breath and know that what you end up buying will be played with, probably in a rough manner, , so you'll want it to last.  What's the sense in spending money on something that is made so poorly it falls apart after the first time out of the box?  (I guess you could always revert back to the box-idea and give them that to play with!)  

But the toys that last are usually the ones that are made from good, solid materials; like wood.  Wood is such a great material to make things from and as long as it's FSC-certified, you won't have to worry about harmful toxins coming off when the child is teething and the bonus is that it could last for several generations (reinforcing that reuse idea, all the more).   

You may even be able to get some of the original money set out for the product by selling it on Craigslist or eBay.  If you're thinking of selling it at a yard sale, just know that you won't come close to getting the "value" of it because the yard-sale-mentality is to get what you can for as little as possible, but you still can get something monetary back if you do this. 

Find toys that will last for a long time and can either be passed down through the generations or re-sold for a little pocket money.  Keep in mind that when it comes to children and toys, more is not better and making informed purchases based on the child and the quality of how the toys are made, are in the hands of adults.  Most toys and games come with an age range printed on the packaging and it is important to not buy gifts that a child will not be capable of playing with for a few years.  

2 Responses to "Recycling Kid's Toys"

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