What Can Nations Do To Combat Global Warming?
There are things individuals can do to help stop global warming. Yet, when nations get involved, it is to everyone's benefit to see to it that the right steps are taken. Nations can combat global warming by many different means.
For one thing, a good forestry department can have a huge impact. The carbon dioxide that is one cause of global warming is eaten up by trees. If a country fosters the growth of its forests and does not allow them to be cut down indiscriminately, global warming will be slowed down.
Another thing nations can do is to focus on energy efficiency. The less energy is used, the less global warming has a chance to take hold. A country can place efficiency standards on appliances and cars. Even better, they can redesign cities so that walking and cycling can become an option instead of people having to drive everywhere.
Alternative sources of energy emit little or no greenhouse gases. Using them will help curb global warming. Hydro-power, solar energy, and windmills can be used to take the place of burning gas, or coal for electricity. Windmills, in fact, are already being set up by the scores in many fields in out-of-the-way places. This is a good step to prevent global warming.
Nations can also be quick to adjust their policies to the climatic changes of the times. When one type of crop will no longer grow well because it needs a cooler climate, that crop can be replaced in that area with a different kind that will. Nations can build aqueducts to transport water to drought-ridden areas.
There are different ways that nations can get their message about global warming across. First, they can make laws about it. They can require people to use environmentally-friendly appliances, fuel sources, and vehicles. They can make it a legal requirement for auto makers to reduce harmful emissions given off by their cars.
Another way to change people's behavior is to make it financially advantageous to be concerned about global warming. If gas prices are higher, people are spurred on to finding a more fuel-efficient vehicle, or even a different fuel source altogether.
Tax incentives and government subsidies can also encourage people to think about global warming. The only problem is that this approach usually favors those who have more money in the first place.
Governments can make it their business to inform and educate the people of the country. With news and data about global warming, people will be prompted to take it seriously. When methods for reducing greenhouse gases are made known by the government, people have a chance to put those methods into practice.
Finally, it is essential that governments get involved with making sure that research and development are done. Global warming cannot be overcome without good information. It is to the advantage of every citizen when the nation puts some of its focus on global warming. When a country approaches global warming with a common sense, proactive sensibility, beneficial changes can be made.
The IPCC Reports on Global Warming
The Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change has issued its Fourth Assessment Report in 2007. This report shows the effects and predictions concerning the issues surrounding global warming. Due to the size of the report and the amount of information contained in it, it takes a good deal of study to thoroughly understand the entire document.
However, some points can be made about the IPCC report. Working Group I is a part of the IPCC that reported on its study of the Physical Science Basis of the report. This dealt with the observations of global warming and the current state of how the sciences study global warming.
Attention was given as to how much of the problem was due to human activity and how much to causes in nature. Then, this section of the report makes predictions of how the course of global warming will run in the future.
After being produced by over 600 writers from 40 countries, the report was reviewed by another 620. The resulting findings were that global warming was indeed happening, and that human activity accounted for most of the cause of global warming.
This report notes many climatic changes that are occurring due to global warming. Some of these are changes in the make-up of the atmosphere, warming of the earth, and changes in ice, snow and permafrost. Also included were notes about the different amounts of rainfall and flooding, along with the frequency of drought.
The severity of hurricanes was discussed. It is stated that humans have brought on the global warming that has caused the extreme hurricanes, and that the 21st century will see even more of them. The portion of the study that blamed humans was a result of expert opinions more than a product of research.
Different factors were discussed that could cause global warming or cooling. The current era was defined as starting in 1750. In the current era, the sun has radiated more intense heat, human activities have raised the temperature, and greenhouse gases have increased rapidly.
Different models were given of the course global warming would take in the next century. The models were run using different scenarios. They all turned out somewhat different. However, they all indicated significant global warming.
The rises of temperature and of sea levels were explored fully. All the different models based on different scenarios were run to determine the numbers for these aspects of global warming. The prediction was that these levels would continue to rise for 1000 years, until all the excess greenhouse gases could be removed from the atmosphere.
Working Group II was involved with determining the Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability surrounding global warming. Working Group III had the task of determining what would be the best Mitigation of Climate Change. This part of the report gave recommendations to world leaders on the subject of global warming initiatives.
The IPCC's report is a lengthy study into the nature of global warming. It covers the past, the current situation, and predictions about the future. Then, it proceeds to discuss ways to curb global warming. It is an important document, and it should be read by anyone interested in global warming.
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